Sunday Morning at Christ Church

Sunday worship serves to reorient all of life toward our chief purpose,
to glorify and enjoy God. 

The creation account in Genesis 1 and 2 shows us that all of human life is meant for worship.
Gathering together on the Lord’s Day gives us the particular blessing of being with God’s people
to worship God who made us, loves us, and has redeemed us in Christ
to do what we were made for.

All adults are encouraged to participate in Sunday School.
A class is offered throughout the school year at 9 AM, prior to the Sunday worship service.
Sunday School is not just for children, but also for adults.
The focus is working through a book of the bible or some relevant topic to the Christian life.

Our worship service is structured and participatory with responsive readings as we do the  work of worship together.
You can review a sample bulletin here.

Children at Christ Church

Jesus invited children to receive his blessing. We believe that worship is for the whole community of God’s people, even squirmy and not-so-quiet little ones. Though we have a nursery available for part of the service, we are happy for children of all ages to stay in the service the whole time and won’t be surprised when kids are kids. There is a brief children’s sermon during the service as well.

The Lord’s Supper

The Lord’s Supper is a gift from Jesus commanded for the nourishment of his Bride. We celebrate Communion every Sunday as part of our worship service. Communion is open to any who have professed faith in Jesus, been baptized, are part of a Gospel-preaching church.